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Photography tutorials and guides

Developing skills in photography has taken me years of exploring, practicing and experimenting. It has been a long, and still ongoing, journey. Through these guides, I hope to share some of the lessons that I have learned along the way. I hope to inspire you to document the world as seen through your eyes, or to create whole new worlds. Nature is incredible and I hope we can preserve it. The tutorials are available through Gumroad. Alternatively, you could support me on Patreon to gain instant access to all tutorials and guides.

Welcome to the post-processing jungle: Lightroom I

In this free tutorial, you learn to transform the left photograph into the right. I share valuable fundamental  tricks that I apply to nearly all my photographs. You additionally gain the original RAW file, a Lightroom preset and a handy cheat sheet.

Photography guide: Atmospheric Backgrounds

In this practical field guide, I show you how to use the surroundings of your subject to create atmospheric photography. The surroundings can either make or break a photograph. The background can be distracting, or emphasizing of the subject, soft or chaotic, light or dark, colourful or dim, rich in contrast or not, depending on what you want to convey.

Welcome to the post-processing jungle: Lightroom II

Let's create some magical colors together in this tutorial. I share my personal tricks on how I process colors in Lightroom to create a magical atmosphere.

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